MIX 97 - Catalunya Radio - Lavinia Audiovisual

Amanda Samper, a writer in a creative crisis, is transferred to the most isolated population who is looking for the concentration she needs to write her own successful novel. To the house that arrives, amagats to the golfers, appear some cassettes from the anys 90', "Mix 97".
In escorting them, among the hits of the time, Amanda meets the testimonials of two adolescents -Carla and Sònia Llop- who is recording a radio program. He quickly began to be interested in the nights and discovered that any one of them will die in strange circumstances.
Ask the people, they are not ben rebudes. The official version is that Carla Llop is going to commit suicide, but there are things that don't add up. The one who explains about the girl does not have to see with the one who escorts the cassettes. Samper begins to suspect that Carla Llop is not going to commit suicide: they are going to kill her.
aida folch
ivan massagué
paula malia
Berta Castane
candela anton
Jordi Banacolocha
Jordi Diaz
Mark Franz
Silvia Sabate
manel sans
Guillermo Lasheras
"Mix 97" is a production of Catalunya Ràdio in collaboration with Lavinia Audiovisual.
Directed by: Merli Marlowe
Original idea: María Ruisánchez
Guide: Maria Ruisánchez and Merli Marlowe
Lavinia Executive Producer: Ruben Mayoral
Catalunya Ràdio executive production: Santi Faro
Sound production and design: G23
Production: Ana Giménez
Illustrations by Ignasi Font

"Debriefing Garbo" explains the story of Joan Pujol Garcia, Garbo (Barcelona, 1912 Caracas, 1988), the most important spy of the 20th century, based on original audio recordings of the protagonist. Guides to the story that in fact the MI5 officer with the case controller, agent Thomas Harris (Francesc Orella) and present on the basis of the MI5 declassification file along with the entire mission of the Catalan double agent, the officer lived a life like a movie . And, if it is a film, it is better to adopt a format more appropriate to a fictional narration than to a journalistic documentary, unfortunately, 100% of the information is real.
"Debriefing Garbo" is a production of "Catalunya Ràdio" in collaboration with "La Mira".

Why do we kill? They are real crimes, diverse, within the Spanish geography. Cases that have already been sentenced in recent decades, rigorously worked on, explained with specific narrative techniques and with a sociological point, as the title suggests, trying to understand through the series why humans kill humans.

HISTORY LIVE -Amazon Audible - Lavinia Audiovisual

WHY DO WE KILL?- Amazon Audible - True Crime Factory
Why do we kill? They are real crimes, diverse, within the Spanish geography. Cases that have already been sentenced in recent decades, rigorously worked on, explained with specific narrative techniques and with a sociological point, as the title suggests, trying to understand through the series why humans kill humans.
Technology seems to have advanced faster than our knowledge to master it. We are aware that the technological wave is passing over us and we must organize and resolve the doubts that we all have when we operate on the Internet.
In this highly digitized world, we must learn to identify traffic lights and signals to move safely on the Internet.
In short, this podcast is about “cybersecurity”, a word that puts us all on alert as soon as we hear it.
"It happens to me too" wants to help you identify situations that at first glance seem safe, but may not be: how many passwords do you have?, and how long has it been since you updated them?, have you ever given your bank details for phone?, do you have antivirus on your mobile? Do you accept all cookies?
The journalist Gemma Nierga, and the technology expert Antoni Noguera, will be in charge of bringing us real stories related to all those technological challenges that we face on a daily basis. Throughout the different chapters, we will learn how we should act to avoid risks and not fall into any type of fraud. Why it happens to all of us: Gemma, Toni, you, and “It happens to me too”.

IT HAPPENS TO ME ALSO - Caixabank - Monmedia
Technology seems to have advanced faster than our knowledge to master it. We are aware that the technological wave is passing over us and we must organize and resolve the doubts that we all have when we operate on the Internet.
In this highly digitized world, we must learn to identify traffic lights and signals to move safely on the Internet.
In short, this podcast is about “cybersecurity”, a word that puts us all on alert as soon as we hear it.
"It happens to me too" wants to help you identify situations that at first glance seem safe, but may not be: how many passwords do you have?, and how long has it been since you updated them?, have you ever given your bank details for phone?, do you have antivirus on your mobile? Do you accept all cookies?
The journalist Gemma Nierga, and the technology expert Antoni Noguera, will be in charge of bringing us real stories related to all those technological challenges that we face on a daily basis. Throughout the different chapters, we will learn how we should act to avoid risks and not fall into any type of fraud. Why it happens to all of us: Gemma, Toni, you, and “It happens to me too”.

LEGEND LUNNIS - Amazon Alexa / RTVE - Lavinia Audiovisual
In 'Lunnis de Leyenda', Lublú, Lupita, Lulila and Lucho host 10 original stories starring Hércules, Cervantes, María Pita, Gara and Jonay, Aníbal, Quevedo, Concepción Arenal, Tambor del Bruc, Marie Curie and Velázquez.
With these applications, RTVE is at the forefront in Spain in the relationship between voice assistants and television. The two new applications for voice assistants are added to the offer of RNE and TVE newsletters already available on Amazon and Google devices, and to the Alexa skills of the different RNE stations, which allow you to listen to the live, the programming on-demand radio and newsletters.

THE TALES OF CLAN - Amazon Alexa / RTVE - Lavinia Audiovisual
'Clan Tales' is an interactive catalog with 100 stories for all tastes: fantasy, animals, pranks, funny stories or world fables.
Boys and girls can ask the virtual assistant for a story from their favorite category and retrieve their favorites in a simple and intuitive way. During the day, the assistant will tell two stories in a row and, at night, an ideal one to go to bed.
CHILDREN'S TALES - Movistar Home - Lavinia Audiovisual
The stories are based on the most famous classics among children's literature, but incorporate a novelty, they have a more modern and current touch. There are a total of 5 stories with a duration between 5 and 7 minutes, ideal so that they do not become too heavy and the little ones keep their attention. The format is the same in all of them, a narration of the story accompanied by very simple illustrations that serve to visually support what is heard.
In addition, lessons can be drawn from these fables about solidarity, daily work or the importance of caring for the environment. A good exercise can be to comment, once finished, what your son has learned from what he has heard. In this way, the device becomes an edutainment platform, mixing education with entertainment.